Friday, October 7, 2016

Fire Desire

Dedicated in honor of the birth of חנה בת רבקה

When Chana stood before Hashem pleading for a son, Eli, the Kohen Gadol, took her for a drunkard, and criticized her for coming to the Mishkan while inebriated. 

While quite understandable on the surface, Eli's criticism of Chana's behavior had a deeper meaning as well. 

Firstly, when standing before The King, one must be in a state of complete Bitul-Nullification. How can one think of personal needs at such a time? 

Secondly, granted, one is supposed to bring his requests before The King, yet, Eli was disturbed by Chana's incessant Davening. "Ask for your needs, but don't get drunk with you Tefillah for them!" 

After her Tefillah, Eli admonished her and accused her of being a drunkard, to which Chana replied: "I am not drunk! I am pouring my soul out before Hashem...!"

Upon hearing this, Eli blessed her that Hashem will answer her Tefillah. 


רעבים גם צמאים נפשם בהם תתעתף

The Ba'al Shem Tov explains: 
Since a Jew is confined to the laws of the physical world, a Jew must have physical matter with which to fulfill his Tafkid in life. Thus, when a Jew is hungry or thirsty, he isn't really seeking to satiate a physical need. Rather, it is a thirst within his soul; a strong yearning to elevate the divine sparks of holiness in the food, drink, or other physical matter. 

True, the "need" is felt in a physical way, yet, the true need is an altruistic one; a spiritual one; a need that transcends human desire and pleasure: the need to serve Hashem. 


This, then, was Chana's Tefilla and answer to Eli's accusation: 

"I am pouring out my soul before Hashem" 

I am not drunk in with my own needs. My request isn't a personal desire, nor a physical need; it is my soul which is aching to express its innate, strong and fiery desire to connect with, and serve Hashem. 

"I am pouring out my soul before Hashem" 

My Tefillah for a son is not a personal request, I want a son for Hashem! Hence, my dedicating him to Hashem, from day one! 

This powerfully soulful desire for spiritual connection, expressed in Chana's answer, begot Eli's holy blessing, and Chana's wish was duly fulfilled. 

May Hashem fulfill our Tefillos, and the Tefillos of every single Jew, for a happy, sweet new year, with blessings for בני חיי ומזוני רוויחי.


Based on the Rebbe's Sicha from the second day of Rosh Hashana 5736 -
Printed in Likkutei Sichos Vol. 19 

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