Monday, February 22, 2016

Color War

Based on the Ma'amar להבין ענין חושן ואיפוד תשכ"ו.

The Ephod was woven with special threads, each one spun with a blend of different colors and materials. As well, unlike a regular apron, it was worn on the back of the Kohen Gadol, rather than on the front.

This uniquely varied blend of colors and materials, represents the wide-ranging and often conflicting character traits inborn within our psyches; the unique-to-each-individual's own blend of Midos, both good and bad. 

The Avodah of a Jew is to sort through these "colors", cultivate the good Midos, and transform the bad ones. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Don't Be Content

Reading the news is so sad, painful and frightening. When I was a teenager, news affected me in a selfish way. It scared me personally, and indeed it certainly still does. But as I've "grown up", I've noticed that compassion has started to play a bigger role. As a teenager, it was, "How does this affect me." Now it's more like, "Oy, that's so terrible. Please, Hashem, end the suffering." I've started to understand the tiniest tip of the iceberg of Wanting Moshiach. I say the tip, because I am sure my desire for Moshiach is lacking much.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Golden Touch

"And they shall make for me a dwelling place, and I will rest in them." (Shemos 25:8)

Our Chachomim teach us that the plurality in "them" refers to the personal Mishkan that every Yid creates for Hashem in his own life.

This refers to the dedication of time; for Davening, learning, Mitzvos, etc. and the dedication of place and material belongings; setting aside from our finances, home, and the physical sacrifices we make to support our Tafkid and our Avodas Hashem.

Reish Lakish said: The world was not worthy of receiving gold. Why, then, was it created? For the Mishkan and Beis Hamikdash. (Bereishis Rabba, 16:2)

When enumerating the laws of building the Beis Hamikdosh, the Rambam writes that, if it is feasible, the Yidden are required to coat (cover) the Beis Hamikdosh in gold.