Sunday, December 13, 2015

Three Oils. One Hero.

A Chanuka Dvar Torah

When the Greeks came into the Beis Hamikdosh, they deliberately defiled the oil that was designated for the purpose of kindling the Menorah. Later, when the Chashmonaim sought to rededicate the Beis Hamikdosh, they could not find any pure oil. Eventually, they found one flask, still intact with the seal of the Kohen Gadol. However, there was only enough to last for one day... (Shabbos, 21b)


There were three "grades" of oil used in the Beis Hamikdosh. Oil that came from the first drop (squeeze) of the first harvest of olives, oil that came from the second drop, and oil that came from the third. 

Our sages explain that given the expense involved in harvesting and preparing the highest grade of oil, this "Grade A" oil was reserved for the Menorah, which required only 3.5 Loig per day. The lesser grades were used for the Menachos. Since Menachos require much more than 3.5 Loig on a daily basis, the costs of using only Grade A oil in such great quantities was prohibitive.

All materials used in the Beis Hamikdosh were checked and approved by the Memuna (appointed supervisor). This is the same with the oil used for the Menorah; its fit-for-kindling status was approved by the Memunah who oversaw the shift of Kohanim serving in the Beis Hamikdosh during that time.

Upon closer examination of the Gemara's narrative of the story of Chanuka, the question arises: while there were different "grades" of oil used in the Beis Hamikdosh, there is no law requiring any oil in the Beis Hamikdosh to bear the seal of a Kohen Gadol. Where, then, did the flask of oil with the Kohen Gadol's seal come from?


The Kohen Gadol would bring a Mincha every day - the Minchas Chavitin.

Our sages teach us that although "Grade B" oil was the required oil for Menachos, the Kohen Gadol would often add an extra Hiddur, and bring "Grade A" (Menorah-worthy) oil for his personal Mincha. On his own accord, and at his own expense, the Kohen Gadol would bring the more expensive oil for his Mincha.

To prevent this oil from getting mixed with the others in the Beis Hamikdosh, the Kohen Gadol would put a personal seal on this oil, and store it away from the other oils.

As such, when the Greeks found and defiled the Menorah-worthy oils in the Beis Hamikdosh, they only found those that were set aside by the Kohanim for Menorah kindling, however, they did not find and could therefore not defile the Kohen Gadol's personal, Grade A, Menorah-worthy oil, which he had brought for the purpose of adding a Hiddur for his Mincha.

The Kohen Gadol was well within his rights to suffice with Grade B, Mincha-worthy oils. In fact, it would not only "suffice", he would be fulfilling the Mitzvah in its entirety! Notwithstanding, having found another opportunity to enhance his Avodah, the Kohen Gadol went the extra mile... thus paving the way for the great Miracle of Chanuka.


Let us learn from the Kohen Gadol, and seek opportunities to enhance our Avoda, our Chinuch and our relationships. 

Let us not settle for the minimum, and certainly not make any compromises...

May we merit witnessing the kindling of the Menorah in the Beis Hamikdosh,

בגאולה האמיתית והשלימה

Based on the P'nei Aryeh and other Acharonim

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