Monday, December 14, 2015

Wine of Hope

After revealing his identity to his brothers, Yosef instructed them to travel back to Eretz Yisroel and bring his father to Mitzrayim. Along with provisions for the way, Yosef sent a lavish gift to his father, along with - Rashi specifies - he sent aged wine.

The Rebbe teaches us that while the gift in general was a show of respect for his father, the aged wine had a double significance: it was an enhancement on the Mitzvah of Kibud Av Va'em, as aged wine is especially appreciated by older people. As well, the aged wine served as a special message for Yakov.

Our sages teach us that for the duration of Yosef's separation, the brothers did not drink wine. This was not a form of Teshuva, rather a form of mourning. 

In a similar vein, Yosef also did not drink wine. However, despite his being enslaved and in mourning, Yosef set aside wine in anticipation of his reunion with his brothers and father.

Yosef saved this wine throughout the 22 years of separation and mourning, and now sent aged wine to his father as a message that, even while enslaved, he did not lose Bitachon in Hashem. 

Despite the hardships he endured, Yosef's Bitachon was strong, and he anticipated salvation at any moment. Despite the passing of time, 22 years(!) - and the wine subsequently getting older and older - Yosef did not lose hope that one day he will be reunited with his father.

Even while in Galus, Yosef prepared for his salvation. Even as he mourned, Yosef kept a bottle of wine at the ready. Ready for the Geulah. Ready for the celebration.


Hashem! You, too, have a bottle of wine, which has aged for close to six thousand years!

Hashem! We have not lost our hope. We are ready. We await your salvation!

Send us Moshiach, so that the family of Klal Yisoroel can be reunited once again!

Grant us the Zchus of drinking from the Yayin Hameshumar, at the greatest reunion and celebration,

במהרה בימינו אמן

Based on a Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Vayigash, 5732

1 comment:

  1. This Sicha was said 5732, 22 years after the passing of the Previous Rebbe. (This year, 5776, is 22 years from Gimmel Tammuz 5754)
