Monday, December 31, 2018

I decided so...

Recently, I called a company to close my account with them. The phone representative was courteous and professional as he collected my information. Then, he asked me: "May I know your reason for closing the account with us?"

Now, I had already thoroughly thought through the pros and cons of keeping the account open, and concluded that I needed to close it. So, I shared my reasoning with the rep. 

Interestingly enough, after hearing me out, the representative found a loophole or two in my reasoning, and explained to me why it would make more sense to keep the account open. I was a bit annoyed to discover that closing the account was going require my wresting my way through a debate of sorts, in order to justify my decision to close it. I agreed to leave the account open and ended the call. 

It then occurred to me that when the representative asked me why I wanted to close the account, he was not interested in me! He wasn't just trying to protect me from a hasty decision or faulty reasoning. He wan't even schmoozing me up about why I decided to close the account, while he did his behind the scenes work. He was actually only interested in the account, and was actively (desperately?) looking for a way to convince me to keep it open. Thus, by giving him my reasoning, I gave him the keys to my mind and heart, and let him into my world; allowing him to snoop around for a chink in my armor. And when he found one, he exploited it so that he can promote his goals rather than help me reach mine.

This insight was so empowering. I smiled to myself... Closing the account would not be so difficult after all.

I called again.

This time, when I was asked: "May I know the reason for your closing your account with us" I politely answered: "I just want to close the account". Period. 

Surprise! Surprise!

Without another question or comment, the representative read to me the disclosure for closing the account, confirmed that the account was closed, and wished me all the best.

How powerful.

I decided. No negotiations. Move along.


When the Yetzer Hara tries to convince me to follow his follies, he negotiates with me, not for the purpose of having an honest dialogue about what is good for me - if that was the case, "Torah Always Wins". Rather, he schmoozes me up with the sole purpose of finding a flaw or weakness in my decision, in order to break my resolve and sway me to his perspective. 

Sorry. This is not open for discussion. I will not negotiate.

Yetezer Hara, I said no.

Thank you for your assistance. Have a wonderful day.

And then, I hang up.

Case closed.

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