Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hauling Ice Cream

While on a trip this summer, we were driving on a long stretch of interstate highway. These stretches usually offer interesting sights and much time to think about them.

During one particularly long stretch, I passed two trucks that carried ice cream.

One was a long 18-wheeler, and was probably on its way to a warehouse or supermarket, hauling pallets and pallets of yummy, frozen treats.

The other, less intimidating one, was a traditional, city-street ice cream truck, probably on its way back to the garage after a long day's work. 

As I continued driving, I noted another, far more interesting contrast between the two ice cream haulers.
The huge and imposing monstrous 18-wheeler was operated by a massive company, with an equally enormous budget to research the best graphics that would entice the customer to buy more and more: gigantic images of ice cream emblazoned across the sides and back of the truck, with the bold tagline "Eat More Ice Cream!"

The small and approachable ice cream truck, probably driven by the owner himself, had cute, friendly hand-painted decals and smiley faces, and a sign on the back which read: "Stop for Children".

Both had a purpose: to make money by getting us to buy their ice cream.

Yet, one tries to convince us that our desire for ice cream is all there there is to life: "Eat more and more! We will be right here for you, with limitless quantities to satisfy your cravings!"

The other, while still selling the same treat, remembers and reminds us not to forget about what is really important to us.

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