Sunday, September 4, 2016

Winds of Change

"Though it is a clear day and the sun shines brightly, one feels a change in the atmosphere; the air is different. The Elul air is palpable; a Teshuva wind begins to blow..."

In this Sicha from 5694, the Frierdiker Rebbe describes what Shabbos Mevorchim Chodesh Elul felt like in the town of Lubavitch.

In another Sicha, the Frierdiker Rebbe describes waking up with a start, upon hearing the Shofar on Rosh Chodesh Elul, from the 6 o'clock Minyan.

Yet, while eloquent and beautiful to read, these narratives are meant to awaken within us our innate desire to tune in to the beautiful world that was, and is just waiting to be rediscovered. It stirs within us a yearning to be a part of the world of purity and piety; of Chassidus and Chassidim, and a devotion to serving Hashem.


The winds of Elul are blowing... The power is immense; the potential is limitless!

We need only to harness the power of these winds, and allow them to "rotate our blades", infusing us and inspiring those around us with the awesome power of Elul.

Let us set up our turbines! Let us catch the wind!

Every additional minute of Torah learned, every moment of Tefilla with feeling, and every additional act of kindness and Tzedaka, propels us forward in our journey through the Yemei Rotzon and harnesses Hashem's Brochos for the new year.

Let us breathe in the winds of change, and allow them to to penetrate our hearts and minds, sweeping us along in their path to a new year of hope, blessing, Teshuva and Geulah!

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