Thursday, April 2, 2015

I want to be free… Now what?

Granted, in order to disengage from my slave mentality, I need to identify the thoughts and feelings that hold me back from being a true, free servant of Hashem. 

I must also actually want to be free.

Now what?

Freedom Destination
I know that just outside the doors of this Mitzayim waits another Pharaoh, ready to enslave me. I must have a “freedom destination”, and start aligning my trajectory out of Mitzrayim in that direction, so that, on the way out of this Mitzrayim, I am not ensnared by the next Pharaoh...

This important step is often missed when seeking to purge addictions, poor health habits, etc. from our lives. Unless we plan how we will lead our lives once we have left Mitzrayim, we are merely sitting ducks for the next Pharaoh to enslave us, much like paying off a debt without having a financial plan on how to stay out of debt is invariably followed by going into debt with another creditor.

In my mind, in writing, or with the guidance of a mentor, I outline and plan what life will look like as a servant of Hashem, and move on to the next step:

Live Free
I lead my life as a free servant of Hashem, even while still in Mitzrayim. I live Geulah’dik, while still in Galus. I don’t have to wait until I am free to start acting free. I increase the intention and energy in other areas in my Yiddishkeit, thus reinforcing my servitude to Hashem and increasing my strength over Pharaoh.

In doing so, I prime myself for when I will leave Mitzrayim, thus protecting myself from becoming a slave to the next Pharaoh – or the last one!

Positive Energy
I increase in my Emunah and Bitachon. I inject myself with positive energy and positive thinking by imagining life as a completely free servant of Hashem. I envision life, completely free of all Meitzarim (limitations), and fill my mind and heart with those images and feelings. This gives me the strength to continue hoping for and anticipating my Ultimate Freedom.

Daven to Hashem for Help
I cannot free myself by myself. I must get help from a Power that is not affected by the Meitzarim and Pharaohs that bind me.

I daven to Hashem to help me recognize the Pharaohs in my life. I daven to Hashem to help me want to be free. I daven to Hashem to help me leave the harmful thoughts and feelings that keep me from living a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Hashem is here, waiting to help me along the journey of being His servant. I need to reach out and ask for His help. I believe that He placed me in this specific challenge and trust that He will surely answer my Tefillah.

לשנה הבאה בני חורין – בארעא דישראל

Click here for Giving Your Child A Voice - the first steps to Yetzias Mitzrayim.

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