Monday, March 16, 2015

My Relationship with Hashem - How to Want

Now that I know about the importance of being Kind and Respectful in my relationship with Hashem, how do I create within myself the desire to serve Him?

How do I disengage myself from my Yetzer Hara, so that I can fulfill my purpose?

How do I awaken in myself a sense of humility, so that I can give to Hashem as He wants?

How do I לייג זיך אויף א זייט, set my ego aside…?

The approach is three-pronged: 

1. Engaging the Mind.

It would be preposterous for me to pretend like I have come up with a new concept here. We say every day in Davening, ותלמוד תורה כנגד כלם. Rabbi Akiva said “Yidden are to Torah, as fish are to water.” All throughout Jewish history, our Leaders have beseeched us to learn Torah.

In fact, this is surely why the Yetzer puts up so many barriers to this particular Mitzvah. Because he knows that if we stay connected to the Torah, he will not be able to succeed in turning us away from our purpose. The Yetzer Hara’s power dissipates when faced with the light of Torah and the light of our Neshama, which is revealed through learning Torah.

With the Yetzer Hara out of the equation, I am able to focus on my Tafkid. Sometimes, however, as much as the mind knows, the heart does not yet feel. Therefore...

2. Awakening the Heart. 

ציורי הלב: Creating feelings through התבוננות and התבודדות. Eliminating all outside distractions and envisioning the feelings we need in order to orient ourselves around our purpose. 

עבודה שבלב: Nurturing feelings through Davening. Davening with a Niggun, or listening to Niggunim while Davening heightens the emotions and engages the heart.

התקשרות: Inspiring feelings by connecting with the Rebbe. Looking at a picture of the Rebbe intently, or watching a video of the Rebbe, specifically those of Niggunim or of the Rebbe interacting with his Chassidim. 

Yet, we cannot wait until we learned “enough” Torah, and awakened “enough” emotion to begin serving Hashem. Something must be done…. Today!

3. Action.

Finding opportunities to “put my ego aside”, even when the Yetzer Hara says, “You don’t want to.” The actual “doing”, exercises my “humility muscle”. Consequently, as my learning Torah removes the Yetzer Hara’s influence, and as my heart becomes more engaged and oriented around my purpose, I am becoming habituated with the practical application of my purpose.

As we begin to develop a real relationship with Him, may Hashem respond to us in kind, and bless Klal Yisroel with revealed Brochos. May He give us – Kindness - in the way we want it – Respect -בטוב הנראה והנגלה! 

Click here for My Relationship with Hashem - What to Want

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